Tuesday 28 June 2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Mashup - Environment Harmony

Architectural design is a highly complex undertaking.  It has been described as a social art and also an artful science. The importance of various factors to the success of a design—site, surrounding architecture, regional adaptation, ornament (or rather excluding it), the relationship among distinct structural scales, proportions, trees and green areas.Architecture must be of the highest quality of design. Architecture provides, in the words of Marcus Vitruvius, the great Roman architect and historian, “firmness, commodity and delight.” Architecture design should appropriate to local customs, society, and climate. Architecture helps the man-made fit in harmony with the environment while promoting health and well-being. “Good” architecture is both beautiful and functional, and makes a person psychologically and physically well.

A Theory of Architecture Part 1: Pattern Language vs. Form Language : http://www.archdaily.com/488929/a-theory-of-architecture-part-1-pattern-language-vs-form-language
What is Architecture :
Unified Architectural Theory, Chapter 14 :